Montag, 2. Juli 2007

Summit 2.4 Cubic Ft Compact Refrigerator

Special offers Summit 2.4 Cubic Ft Compact Refrigerator reviews & best price. Summit 2.4 Cubic Ft Compact Refrigerator, there may also available for holidays deals such as Black Friday, Thanksgiving, or Cyber Monday or others holiday deals as well. However please check more details at the most trusted online store we provided by clicking "Get lowest Price!" or "Read Full Reviews" buttons before making any purchases.
Summit 2.4 Cubic Ft Compact Refrigerator

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    Product Description
    The Summit 2.4 Cubic Ft Compact Refrigerator (FF29B) is designed especially for tight spaces and can easily fit on any counter top. A completely free standing, all refrigerator unit, the interior liner is one solid piece which makes cleaning simply a matter of wiping out the inside. The unit is environmentally friendly and designed to be 100% CFC free which means it has no ozone-damaging chemicals. To simplify appliance care even more, the automatic defrost feature allows the appliance to defrost itself when needed. Its compact size was not at the cost of efficient storage space, the door shelves are great for storing beverage cans and bottles and the adjustable glass shelves ensure you can fit the items you need to keep cold. The adjustable door hinge can be made to open on the left or right to accommodate any space you need to place the unit, and its slim dimensions make sure you can do so easily. An adjustable dial thermostat helps you set and maintain the perfect temperature. The Summit 2.4 Cubic Ft Compact Refrigerator is a great choice for dorm rooms, offices, pool houses, or even just to add additional fridge space in your own kitchen. Compact: The slim, free standing design allows the unit to be used in a variety of spaces such as on top or under counter tops Environmentally Friendly: 100% CFC free, the unit is made with zero ozone-damaging chemicals Storage: The adjustable glass shelves and two (2) door shelves ensure you have plenty of room for all that you need to keep cold

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